Friday, December 18, 2009


There's been some hype about 3 new badges on the game one of them being krokosphinx delver but i have proof krokosphinx delver has been in game for at least 11 months; that's how long it's been since i left krokotopia; and that's how long i've had it in my badge page of my spellbook. back when i still had my gorgeous marley outfit (some of you may remember it) i had the badge on and a grandmaster fire/life asked me how i got it. the verdict: Krokosphinx Delver is NOT a new badge!


  1. awww your gonna quit you where one of the first blogs I read : ( sorry to hear that well hpe you change your mind : (
    Silverheart level 44 diviner
    runner of the Diviner of Myth
